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The Skybolt engine is based on a flexible entity-component system, which makes it easy to represent both physical and non-physical objects in the world.


At the heart of the engine, the SkyboltSim library manages the simulation loop and handles dynamics and system state updates.

The main aspects of the simulation architecture are:

  • Simulation Loop: Continuously updates the state of entities based on dynamics, user input, and external data.
  • Systems: Handle core processes such as dynamics simulation.
  • Entities: Objects in the simulation. Each entity can represent a physical object (e.g. aircraft, ship) or an non-physical object that performs a function.
  • Components: Modular building blocks giving functionality to entities. Components may define an entity's position, behavior, appearance, or other characteristics.


The SkyboltVis library renders visual represenations of entities. The renderer is built to provide physically plausible imagery from ground level to space. The renderer uses tile-based streaming from geospatial sources, allowing efficient real-time loading of terrain and features such as buildings, roads, rivers and lakes.

Environments are rendered use multiple physically-based lighting techniques:

  • Hard-surface BRDFs to render hard objects like aircraft, terrain and buildings
  • Planetary atmospheric scattering model
  • Volumetric cloud ray-marcher

Under the hood, SkyboltVis uses OpenSceneGraph to manage scene graph state, issue draw calls, and handle 2D/3D asset file IO.


The SkyboltEngine library ties together SkyboltSim and SkyboltVis, and provides engine-level functionality like user input, scenario management, and plugin support.


To support a wide variety of use cases, the simulation engine is extensible through C++ and Python plugins.

  • C++ Plugins: Leverages high-performance code for simulation-critical functionality.
  • Python Plugins: For rapid prototyping, scripting, and extending functionality, for example adding new entity component types.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

The application features a Qt-based graphical user interface that allows users to interact with entities in the 3D environment. The SkyboltQt library provides funcionality for GUI widgets and bindings between the GUI and the engine.